----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Authentication: Configure kerberos with LDAP on HDP sandbox using IPA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals: -Setup FreeIPA server and create end users and groups in its directory -Install FreeIPA client on sandbox VM to enable FreeIPA as central store of posix data using SSSD -Enable Kerberos for the HDP Cluster using FreeIPA server KDC to store Hadoop principals -Integrate Hue with FreeIPAs directory Why integrate security with LDAP? Plug Hadoop into enterprises existing Identity Management Getting the OS to recognize AD/LDAP's Users and Groups is critical for customers who need large populations of their users to access Hadoop. How to integrate with LDAP? IPA (Identity Policy Audit) is an integrated solution developed by Red Hat that wraps an LDAP/DNS/NTP/Kerberos server together. It makes it easy to implement a kerberos solution and to get users access to a cluster. ------------------------------------ 1 A. Install IPA server on Linux VM ------------------------------------ #Pre-requisite: # Install VM software like VMWare or VirtualBox on your laptop # Download CentOS 6.5 ISO image onto your laptop e.g. # http://mir2.ovh.net/ftp.centos.org/6.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso #Start a CentOS VM using above ISO # Open VMWare Fusion and click File > New > Install from disc/image > Use another disk # Select the iso file > Deselect easy install > Customize settings > name: CentOSx64-IPAserver # Under memory, set to 2048MB > Press Play to start VM #Go through CentOS install wizard # Install > Skip > Next > English > US English > Basic Storage Devices > Yes, discard # Change hostame to ipa.hortonworks.com and click Configure Nextwork > double click "eth0" # Select 'Connect automatically' > Apply > Close > Next > Next > password: hadoop > Use all space # Then select "Write changes to disk" and this should install CentOS. Click Reboot once done #After the reboot, login as root/hadoop and find the IP address ip a #Now you can open a terminal window to run the remaining commands against this VM from there #Open your laptops /etc/hosts and add entry for ipa.hortonworks.com e.g. # ipa.hortonworks.com sudo vi /etc/hosts #Open ssh connection to IPA VM ssh root@ipa.hortonworks.com #password hadoop #Apply OS updates yum -y update #turn off firewall service iptables save service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off #install IPA server yum install -y "*ipa-server" bind bind-dyndb-ldap #add entry for ipa.hortonworks.com into the /etc/hosts file of the VM echo " ipa.hortonworks.com ipa" >> /etc/hosts #Run IPA setup: Hit enter 3 times to accept all defaults, then enter hortonworks as passwords, then enter Y to continue. #For DNS, enter #For reverse proxy, pick the default ipa-server-install --setup-dns #This sets up the FreeIPA Server.This includes a number of components and may take a few min # Install/configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd) # Install/configure a stand-alone Certificate Authority (CA) for certificate management # Install/create and configure an instance of Directory Server # Install/create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) # Configure Apache (httpd) #configure the components to startup automatically on reboot for i in krb5kdc ntpd named httpd dirsrv; do chkconfig $i on; done #Sync time with ntp server to ensure time is upto date service ntpd stop ntpdate pool.ntp.org service ntpd start #Add the same to startup to correct time on each reboot vi /etc/rc.local service ntpd stop ntpdate pool.ntp.org service ntpd start #obtain a kerberos ticket for admin user kinit admin #Setup LDAP groups ipa group-add marketing --desc marketing ipa group-add legal --desc legal ipa group-add hr --desc hr ipa group-add sales --desc sales ipa group-add finance --desc finance #Setup LDAP users ipa user-add xapolicymgr --first=XAPolicy --last=Manager ipa user-add ali --first=ALI --last=BAJWA ipa user-add paul --first=PAUL --last=HEARMON ipa user-add legal1 --first=legal1 --last=legal1 ipa user-add legal2 --first=legal2 --last=legal2 ipa user-add legal3 --first=legal3 --last=legal3 ipa user-add hr1 --first=hr1 --last=hr1 ipa user-add hr2 --first=hr2 --last=hr2 ipa user-add hr3 --first=hr3 --last=hr3 #Add users to groups ipa group-add-member sales --users=ali,paul ipa group-add-member finance --users=ali,paul ipa group-add-member legal --users=legal1,legal2,legal3 ipa group-add-member hr --users=hr1,hr2,hr3 #Set passwords for accounts: hortonworks echo hortonworks >> tmp.txt echo hortonworks >> tmp.txt ipa passwd ali < tmp.txt ipa passwd paul < tmp.txt ipa passwd legal1 < tmp.txt ipa passwd legal2 < tmp.txt ipa passwd legal3 < tmp.txt ipa passwd hr1 < tmp.txt ipa passwd hr2 < tmp.txt ipa passwd hr3 < tmp.txt ipa passwd xapolicymgr < tmp.txt rm -f tmp.txt #Use JXplorer to browse the LDAP structure we just setup com->hortonworks->accounts->users com->hortonworks->accounts->groups Click on Paul user and notice attributes. Some important ones uiud, uidNumber, posixaccount, person, krbPrincipalName Click on hr group and notice attributes. Some important ones cn, gidNumber, posixgroup ########################################################################################################################################## #STOP and follow instructions from section 1 B below to startup the HDP sandbox VM and to install the IPA client and start Ambari wizard # #Return to the instructions below to create the kerberos principals for the Hadoop components, once you have the CSV file from Ambari # ########################################################################################################################################## #Once IPA client is setup on sandbox and the csv file from Ambari has been FTPd to IPA... #add hue and knox principal and move entry containing 'rm.service.keytab' to top of the file. #To avoid errors, make sure no empty lines at the end vi host-principal-keytab-list.csv sandbox.hortonworks.com,Hue,hue/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM,hue.service.keytab,/etc/security/keytabs,hue,hadoop,400 sandbox.hortonworks.com,Knox,knox/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM,knox.service.keytab,/etc/security/keytabs,knox,hadoop,400 #create principals. The following message is ignorable: service with name "HTTP/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM" already exists for i in `awk -F"," '/service/ {print $3}' host-principal-keytab-list.csv` ; do ipa service-add $i ; done ipa user-add hdfs --first=HDFS --last=HADOOP --homedir=/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs --shell=/bin/bash ipa user-add ambari-qa --first=AMBARI-QA --last=HADOOP --homedir=/home/ambari-qa --shell=/bin/bash #Now go back to sandbox terminal to create the keytab files for the principals -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 B. Install IPAclient on sandbox and secure cluster with KDC on IPA server -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Pre-requisites #Download HDP 2.1 sandbox VM image (Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova) from hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-sandbox/ #Import Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.1.ova into VirtualBox/VMWare and configure its memory size to be at least 8GB RAM #Create an entry on your laptops /etc/hosts pointing to IP address of sandbox VM #e.g sandbox.hortonworks.com sudo vi /etc/hosts #Open terminal window tab (or Putty) and open SSH connection to the VM (password: hadoop) ssh root@sandbox.hortonworks.com #Rename your terminal windows SANDBOX (current tab) and IPA-SERVER (previous tab) #add entry for ipa.hortonworks.com into the /etc/hosts file of the sandbox VM echo " ipa.hortonworks.com ipa" >> /etc/hosts #On sandbox VM, the /etc/hosts entry for IPA gets cleared on reboot #Edit the file below and add to bottom of the file replace IP address with that of your IPA server vi /usr/lib/hue/tools/start_scripts/gen_hosts.sh echo " ipa.hortonworks.com ipa" >> /etc/hosts #On IPA VM,add entry for sandbox.hortonworks.com into the /etc/hosts file of the IPA VM echo " sandbox.hortonworks.com sandbox" >> /etc/hosts #Now both VMs and your laptop should have an entry for sandbox and ipa #install IPA client yum install ipa-client openldap-clients -y #Sync time with ntp server to ensure time is upto date service ntpd stop ntpdate pool.ntp.org service ntpd start #In the ntp.conf file, replace "server" with the below vi /etc/ntp.conf server ipa.hortonworks.com #Install client: When prompted enter: yes > yes > hortonworks ipa-client-install --domain=hortonworks.com --server=ipa.hortonworks.com --mkhomedir --ntp-server=north-america.pool.ntp.org -p admin@HORTONWORKS.COM -W #review that kerberos conf file was updated correctly with realm vi /etc/krb5.conf #review that SSSD was correctly configured with ipa and sandbox hostnames vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf #review PAM related files and confirm the pam_sss.so entries are present vi /etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth vi /etc/pam.d/password-auth vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth vi /etc/pam.d/fingerprint-auth #test that LDAP queries work ldapsearch -h ipa.hortonworks.com:389 -D 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=hortonworks,dc=com' -w hortonworks -x -b 'dc=hortonworks,dc=com' uid=paul #test that LDAP users can be accessed from filesystem. id ali groups paul #This shows that the OS now recognizes users and groups defined only in our LDAP #The end user is getting a combined view of the linux and LDAP worlds in single lookup #enable sssd on startup chkconfig sssd on #start Ambari and run the security wizard ./start_ambari.sh #Ambari > Admin > Security > Enable Security Realm name = HORTONWORKS.COM Click Next > Next Do NOT click Apply yet Download CSV and ftp to both ipa and sandbox VMs ########################################################################################################## #STOP and create principals for Hadoop components on IPA server VM using the csv (see Section 1 A above) # ########################################################################################################## #Once principals created on IPA server... #On sandbox VM, make the same changes to csv file vi host-principal-keytab-list.csv sandbox.hortonworks.com,Hue,hue/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM,hue.service.keytab,/etc/security/keytabs,hue,hadoop,400 sandbox.hortonworks.com,Knox,knox/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM,knox.service.keytab,/etc/security/keytabs,knox,hadoop,400 #On sandbox vm, create the keytab files for the Hadoop components kinit admin mkdir /etc/security/keytabs/ chown root:hadoop /etc/security/keytabs/ awk -F"," '/sandbox/ {print "ipa-getkeytab -s ipa.hortonworks.com -p "$3" -k /etc/security/keytabs/"$4";chown "$6":"$7" /etc/security/keytabs/"$4";chmod "$8" /etc/security/keytabs/"$4}' host-principal-keytab-list.csv | sort -u > gen_keytabs.sh chmod +x gen_keytabs.sh ./gen_keytabs.sh #ignore the message about one of the keytabs not getting generated #verify keytabs and principals got created (should return at least 17) ls -la /etc/security/keytabs/*.keytab | wc -l #check that keytab info can be ccessed by klist klist -ekt /etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab #verify you can kinit as hadoop components. This should not return any errors kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab nn/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM #Click Apply in Ambari to enable security and restart all the components #If the wizard errors out towards the end due to a component not starting up, #its not a problem: you should be able to start it up manually via Ambari su - hue #Attempt to read HDFS: this should fail as hue user does not have kerberos ticket yet hadoop fs -ls #Confirm that the use does not have ticket klist #Create a kerberos ticket for the user kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hue.service.keytab hue/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM #verify that hue user can now get ticket and can access HDFS klist hadoop fs -ls /user exit #This confirms that we have successfully enabled kerberos on our cluster #Open Hue and notice it no longer works e.g. FileBrowser givers error http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8000 #Next we will make the config changes needed to make Hue work on a LDAP enbled kerborized cluster # Edit the kerberos principal to hadoop user mapping to add Hue Ambari > HDFS > Configs > hadoop.security.auth_to_local add below line RULE:[2:$1@$0](hue/sandbox.hortonworks.com@.*HORTONWORKS.COM)s/.*/hue/ #restart HDFS via Ambari vi /etc/hue/conf/hue.ini #Edit /etc/hue/conf/hue.ini by uncommenting/changing properties to make it kerberos aware -Change all instances of "security_enabled" to true -hue_keytab=/etc/security/keytabs/hue.service.keytab -hue_principal=hue/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM -kinit_path=/usr/bin/kinit -reinit_frequency=3600 -ccache_path=/tmp/hue_krb5_ccache -beeswax_server_host=sandbox.hortonworks.com -beeswax_server_port=8002 #restart hue service hue restart #confirm Hue works. http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8000 #Logout as hue user and notice that we can not login as paul/hortonworks #Make changes to /etc/hue/conf/hue.ini to set backend to LDAP -backend=desktop.auth.backend.LdapBackend -pam_service=login -base_dn="DC=hortonworks,DC=com" -ldap_url=ldap://ipa.hortonworks.com -ldap_username_pattern="uid=,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=hortonworks,dc=com" -create_users_on_login=true -user_filter="objectclass=person" -user_name_attr=uid -group_filter="objectclass=*" -group_name_attr=cn service hue restart #Confirm that paul user does not have unix account (we already saw it present in LDAP via JXplorer) cat /etc/passwd | grep paul #login to Hue as paul/hortonworks and notice that FileBrowser, HCat, Hive now work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of part 1: We have now setup Authentication: Users can authenticate using kinit via shell and submit hadoop commands or log into HUE to access Hadoop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 - Authorization & Audit: To allow users to specify access policies and enable audit around Hadoop from a central location via a UI, integrated with LDAP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals: -Install Apache Ranger -Sync users between Apache Ranger and FreeIPA -Configure HDFS & Hive to use Apache Ranger -Define HDFS & Hive Access Policy For Users -Log into Hue as the end user and note the authorization policies being enforced #download Ranger policymgr (security webUI portal) and ugsync (User and Group Agent to sync users from LDAP to webUI) mkdir /tmp/xasecure cd /tmp/xasecure wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-LABS/Projects/XA-Secure/3.5.001/xasecure-policymgr-3.5.001-release.tar wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-LABS/Projects/XA-Secure/3.5.001/xasecure-uxugsync-3.5.001-release.tar tar -xvf xasecure-uxugsync-3.5.001-release.tar tar -xvf xasecure-policymgr-3.5.001-release.tar #configure/install policymgr cd /tmp/xasecure/xasecure-policymgr-3.5.001-release vi install.properties #No changes needed: just confirm the below are set this way: authentication_method=NONE remoteLoginEnabled=true authServiceHostName=localhost authServicePort=5151 ./install.sh #enter hortonworks for the passwords #You should see "XAPolicyManager has started successfully" #configure/install/start ugsync cd /tmp/xasecure/xasecure-uxugsync-3.5.001-release vi install.properties POLICY_MGR_URL = http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:6080 SYNC_SOURCE = ldap SYNC_LDAP_URL = ldap://ipa.hortonworks.com:389 SYNC_LDAP_BIND_DN = uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=hortonworks,dc=com SYNC_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = hortonworks SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE = cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=hortonworks,dc=com SYNC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = uid ./install.sh ./start.sh #confirm agent started ps -ef | grep UnixAuthenticationService #Ope log file to confirm agent was able to import users/groups from LDAP tail -f /var/log/uxugsync/unix-auth-sync.log #open WebUI and login as admin/admin. #Your LDAP users and groups should appear in the Ranger UI, under Users/Groups http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:6080 Ranger - Setup HDFS repo ------------------------- In the Ranger UI, under PolicyManager tab, click the + sign next to HDFS and enter below most values come from HDFS configs in Ambari): Repository name: hdfs_sandbox Username: xapolicymgr Password: hortonworks fs.default.name: hdfs://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8020 hadoop.security.authorization: true hadoop.security.authentication: kerberos hadoop.security.auth_to_local: (copy from HDFS configs) dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal: dn/_HOST@HORTONWORKS.COM dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal: nn/_HOST@HORTONWORKS.COM dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal: nn/_HOST@HORTONWORKS.COM Common Name For Certificate: (leave this empty) #install HDFS plugin cd /tmp/xasecure wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-LABS/Projects/XA-Secure/3.5.001/xasecure-hadoop-3.5.001-release.tar tar -xvf xasecure-hadoop-3.5.001-release.tar cd xasecure-hadoop-3.5.001-release vi install.properties POLICY_MGR_URL=http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:6080 REPOSITORY_NAME=hdfs_sandbox XAAUDIT.DB.HOSTNAME=localhost XAAUDIT.DB.DATABASE_NAME=xasecure XAAUDIT.DB.USER_NAME=xalogger XAAUDIT.DB.PASSWORD=hortonworks #Can verify above credentials by attempting to login to mysql mysql -u xalogger -phortonworks -h localhost xasecure ./install.sh #Edit HDFS settings via Ambari: dfs.permissions.enabled = true #Before restarting HDFS add below snippet to bottom of the file to start the Hadoop Security Agent with the NameNode service:: vi /usr/lib/hadoop/libexec/hadoop-config.sh if [ -f ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/xasecure-hadoop-env.sh ] then . ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR}/xasecure-hadoop-env.sh fi #Restart HDFS in Ambari #create an HDFS dir and attempt to access it before/after adding userlevel Ranger HDFS policy #run as root su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /rangerdemo" su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chmod 700 /rangerdemo" #Notice the HDFS agent should show up in Ranger UI under Audit > Agents #Also notice that under Audit > Big Data tab you can see audit trail of what user accessed HDFS at what time with what result Ranger - HDFS Audit Exercises: ------------------------------ su ali hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #should fail saying "Failed to find any Kerberos tgt" klist kinit #enter hortonworks as password. You may need to enter this multiple times if it asks you to change it hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #this should fail with "Permission denied" #Notice the audit report and filter on "REPOSITORY TYPE"="HDFS" and "USER"="ali" to see the how denied request was logged #Add policy in Ranger and PolicyManager > hdfs_sandbox > Add new policy Resource path: /rangerdemo Recursive: True User: ali and give read, write, execute Save > OK and wait 30s #now this should succeed hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #Now look at the audit reports for the above and filter on "REPOSITORY TYPE"="HDFS" and "USER"="ali" to see the how allowed request was logged #Attempt to access dir before/after adding group level Ranger HDFS policy su hr1 hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #should fail saying "Failed to find any Kerberos tgt" klist kinit #enter hortonworks as password. You may need to enter this multiple times if it asks you to change it hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #this should fail with "Permission denied". View the audit page for the new activity #Add hr group to existing policy in Ranger Under Policy Manager tab, click "/rangerdemo" link under group add "hr" and give read, write, execute Save > OK and wait 30s. While you wait you can review the summary of policies under Analytics tab #this should pass now. View the audit page for the new activity hdfs dfs -ls /rangerdemo #Even though we did not directly grant access to hr1 user, since it is part of hr group it inherited the access. Ranger - Setup Hive repo ------------------------- #In the Ranger UI, under PolicyManager tab, click the + sign next to Hive and enter below to create a Hive repo: Repository name= hive_sandbox username= xapolicymgr password= hortonworks jdbc.driverClassName= org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver jdbc.url= jdbc:hive2://sandbox:10000/ Click Add #install Hive plugin cd /tmp/xasecure wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP-LABS/Projects/XA-Secure/3.5.001/xasecure-hive-3.5.001-release.tar tar -xvf xasecure-hive-3.5.001-release.tar cd xasecure-hive-3.5.001-release vi install.properties POLICY_MGR_URL=http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:6080 REPOSITORY_NAME=hive_sandbox XAAUDIT.DB.HOSTNAME=localhost XAAUDIT.DB.DATABASE_NAME=xasecure XAAUDIT.DB.USER_NAME=xalogger XAAUDIT.DB.PASSWORD=hortonworks ./install.sh #Replace the contents of this file with the below vi /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/HIVE/package/templates/startHiveserver2.sh.j2 HIVE_SERVER2_OPTS=" -hiveconf hive.log.file=hiveserver2.log -hiveconf hive.log.dir=$5 -hiveconf hive.security.authenticator.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.security.SessionStateUserAuthenticator " {% if hive_authorization_enabled == True and str(hdp_stack_version).startswith('2.1') %} # HiveServer 2 -hiveconf options #HIVE_SERVER2_OPTS="${HIVE_SERVER2_OPTS} -hiveconf hive.security.authenticator.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.security.SessionStateUserAuthenticator -hiveconf hive.security.authorization.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.security.authorization.plugin.sqlstd.SQLStdHiveAuthorizerFactory " {% endif %} HIVE_CONF_DIR=$4 /usr/lib/hive/bin/hiveserver2 -hiveconf hive.metastore.uris=" " ${HIVE_SERVER2_OPTS} > $1 2> $2 & echo $!|cat>$3 #restart ambari server and agent /etc/init.d/ambari-server stop /etc/init.d/ambari-server start /etc/init.d/ambari-agent stop /etc/init.d/ambari-agent start #Copy Ranger files to /etc/hive/conf cd /etc/hive/conf.server/ cp xasecure-* ../conf/ #Make hive config changes and restart ambari hive.security.authorization.manager = com.xasecure.authorization.hive.authorizer.XaSecureAuthorizer hive.security.authorization.enabled = true hive.exec.pre.hooks = org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.ATSHook,com.xasecure.authorization.hive.hooks.XaSecureHivePreExecuteRunHook hive.exec.post.hooks = org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.ATSHook,com.xasecure.authorization.hive.hooks.XaSecureHivePostExecuteRunHook #add to Custom hive-site.xml hive.semantic.analyzer.hook = com.xasecure.authorization.hive.hooks.XaSecureSemanticAnalyzerHook hive.server2.custom.authentication.class = com.xasecure.authentication.hive.LoginNameAuthenticator hive.conf.restricted.list = hive.exec.driver.run.hooks, hive.server2.authentication, hive.metastore.pre.event.listeners, hive.security.authorization.enabled,hive.security.authorization.manager, hive.semantic.analyzer.hook, hive.exec.post.hooks #restart Hive from ambari. If Hive fails to start due to metastore not coming up click on Hive > Summary > MysqlServer > Start MySql server #You may also need to start data node if it went down (Ambari > HDFS > Service Action > Restart Data Nodes) #restart Hive once again as it did not cleanly restart #restart hue to make it aware of Ranger changes service hue restart Ranger - Hive Audit Exercises ------------------------------ #create user dir for ali su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/ali" su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown ali /user/ali" #Sign out of Hue and sign back in as ali/hortonworks #Run the below queries using the Beeswax Hue interface or beeline show tables; #check Audit > Agent in Ranger policy manager UI to ensure Hive agent shows up now #Create hive policies in Ranger for user ali db name: default table: sample_07 col name: code description user: ali and check “select” Add db name: default table: sample_08 col name: * user: ali and check "select" Add Save and wait 30s. You can review the hive policies in Ranger UI under Analytics tabs #these will not work as user does not have access to all columns of sample_07 desc sample_07; select * from sample_07 limit 1; #these should work select code,description from sample_07 limit 1; desc sample_08; select * from sample_08 limit 1; #Now look at the audit reports for the above and notice that audit reports for Beeswax queries show up in Ranger #Create hive policies in Ranger for group legal db name: default table: sample_08 col name: code description group: legal and check “select” Add #Save and wait 30s #create user dir for legal1 su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/legal1" su hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown legal1 /user/legal1" #This time lets try running the queries via Beeline interface su legal1 klist kinit beeline !connect jdbc:hive2://sandbox.hortonworks.com:10000/default;principal=hive/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM #Hit enter twice when it prompts for password #these should not work: "user does not have select priviledge" desc sample_08; select * from sample_08; #these should work select code,description from sample_08 limit 5; #Now look at the audit reports for the above and notice that audit reports for beeline queries show up in Ranger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of part 2 - Using Ranger, we have successfully added authorization policies and audit reports to our secure cluster from a central location | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3: Enable Perimeter Security: Enable Knox to work with kerberos enabled cluster to enable perimeter security using single end point ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals: -Configure KNOX to authenticate against FreeIPA -Configure WebHDFS & Hiveserver2 to support HDFS & JDBC/ODBC access over HTTP -Use Excel to securely access Hive via KNOX Why? Enables Perimeter Security so there is a single point of cluster access using Hadoop REST APIs, JDBC and ODBC calls #Add the below to HDFS config via Ambari: hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups = * hadoop.proxyuser.knox.hosts = sandbox.hortonworks.com #Point Knox to use same kerberos config file IPA created ln -s /etc/krb5.conf /etc/knox/conf/krb5.conf #Point Knox to the principal/keytabs we created for it earlier by creating below file vi /etc/knox/conf/krb5JAASLogin.conf com.sun.security.jgss.initiate { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required renewTGT=true doNotPrompt=true useKeyTab=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/knox.service.keytab" principal="knox/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM" isInitiator=true storeKey=true useTicketCache=true client=true; }; #Tell Knox that security enabled vi /etc/knox/conf.dist/gateway-site.xml set gateway.hadoop.kerberos.secured to true #Update topology file with IPA LDAP url and details vi /etc/knox/conf/topologies/sandbox.xml main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate uid={0},cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=hortonworks,dc=com main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url ldap://ipa.hortonworks.com:389 #restart knox and reploy su -l knox -c "/usr/lib/knox/bin/gateway.sh stop" su -l knox -c "/usr/lib/knox/bin/gateway.sh start" /usr/lib/knox/bin/knoxcli.sh redeploy ls -lh /var/lib/knox/data/deployments #run webhdfs request via Knox curl -i -k -u ali:hortonworks -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1?op=LISTSTATUS' curl -i -k -u ali:hortonworks -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/user/guest?op=LISTSTATUS' #Same request but without sending user/pass: just send cookie: curl -i -k --cookie "JSESSIONID=15y27edmv6icmmyx6l2csiola;Path=/gateway/sandbox;Secure;HttpOnly" -X GET 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1?op=LISTSTATUS' #open file via knox curl -i -k -u ali:hortonworks -X GET \ 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/user/hue/jobsub/sample_data/sonnets.txt?op=OPEN' curl -i -k -u ali:hortonworks -X GET \ '{https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/data/v1/webhdfs/v1/user/hue/jobsub/sample_data/sonnets.txt?_=AAAACAAAABAAAAEAGs_KJeUkj-pJknGTPR9dF4rMKksAKnT13cjbfM6RMmqh4m44XDIF4KYvsastp-tvKzkQewbsXo5OVfNhyJHu_Qd_wRRrOtae5GNEj2D2Rj1oNF_lwlDnXikirOHPVvzdkVpFDk9qHYHpj3HnPkllxbMLNEFxSchyMSn82DC2fl3kQ7tbY_vYsntA0LkJcSNr6eYtwTqLoIpdDhjobf1-LabsElTUd3aKznKb01hE7EcchxaAUfaBDAzx-GbC45V4IPXIZwdbjG1fVhimiavOmyqN79sgP0aOQU7O7GKvSPEAUiviyla-gnb57ILP3sRt7pq5CWtOsjugYSBwUGH55Qp2wAtqCQ7EhirVGvsbd8EVHG1NT91u6A}' #make dir listing request to knox using sample groovy scripts - change password to paul/hortonworks vi /usr/lib/knox/samples/ExampleWebHdfsLs.groovy #run script java -jar /usr/lib/knox/bin/shell.jar /usr/lib/knox/samples/ExampleWebHdfsLs.groovy #open a local browser and run same https://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1?op=LISTSTATUS https://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/user/hue/jobsub/sample_data?op=LISTSTATUS https://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1/user/hue/jobsub/sample_data/sonnets.txt?op=OPEN #Setup secure hive query via knox Add to Custom hive-site.xml under Hive > Configs in Ambari hive.server2.thrift.http.path=cliservice hive.server2.thrift.http.port=10001 hive.server2.transport.mode=http hive.server2.authentication.spnego.keytab=/etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab hive.server2.authentication.spnego.principal=HTTP/sandbox.hortonworks.com@HORTONWORKS.COM #restart Hive service via Ambari #give users access to jks file. This is ok since it is only truststore - not keys! chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data/security chmod a+rx /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores chmod a+r /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks #run beehive query connecting through knox su ali beeline !connect jdbc:hive2://sandbox:8443/;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks;trustStorePassword=knox?hive.server2.transport.mode=http;hive.server2.thrift.http.path=gateway/sandbox/hive #Connect as ali/hortonworks show tables; desc sample_07; select count(*) from sample_07; !q #On windows machine, install Hive ODBC driver from http://hortonworks.com/hdp/addons and setup ODBC connection name: securedsandbox host: port:8443 database:default Hive server type: Hive Server 2 Mechanism: HTTPS HTTP Path: gateway/sandbox/hive Username: ali pass: hortonworks #In Excel import data via Knox Data > From other Datasources > From dataconnection wizard > ODBC DSN > securedsandbox > enter password hortonworks and ok > choose sample_07 and Finish Click Yes > Properties > Definition > you can change the query in the text box > OK > OK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of part 3 - Users can now access the cluster via the Gateway services | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- OTHER RESOURCES - NOT USED IN WORKSHOP -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Sample script to setup volume encryption using LUKS ---------------------------------------------------- #This is usually done on a volume #Create the LUKS key. Enter: cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb #Cryptsetup displays a request for confirmation. Enter YES. (all uppercase) #Open the drive as encrypted. Enter: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb crypted_disk2 #Create a key for the encrypted disk. Enter: `dd if=/dev/urandom of=mydisk.key bs=1024 count=4` chmod 0400 mydisk.key #Register the key for the encrypted disk. Enter: cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdb mydisk.key #Format the encrypted disk/drive, Enter: mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/crypted_disk2 #auto mount instruction to /etc/fstab mkdir -p /encrypted_folder echo "/dev/mapper/crypted_disk2 /encrypted_folder ext4 defaults,nofail 1 2" >> /etc/fstab/ mount -a #Add the disk key to /etc/crypttab. This is important, else it won’t auto mount echo "crypted_disk2 /dev/sdb mydisk.key luks" >> /etc/crypttab